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Youth Engaged for Sustainable Development svg4446
Education Livelihoods Environmental Protection
Annual Operating Budget
Annual Beneficiary Reach
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YED is the short of Youth engaged for sustainable development. Created in 2023, it is a refugee-led and community-based organisation registered at Kyegegwa district level and operating in KYAKA II, Uganda. YED is focused in education for children aged from 3 to 6 years, financial inclusion to female parents and youths with advanced age who are unable to afford their education, and promotion of environment through large community awareness and tree growing. YED’s main approach which consists of engaging the target communities in all interventions and cultivates a deep partnership with sister refugee-led organizations and other stakeholders is a pillar of its success, continuation of its programming that meaningfully contributes to reshape lives of its target communities. This is also made possible with its diversified team who is highly committed and qualified to engage the communities in tailored and integrated solutions. Through its capacity to mobilize and engage the communities, YED is one of the most responsive community-based organizations able to reach more needy individuals and communities using cost. It is even a proof of this first success which influenced our first strategic plan slated till 2028. Some of the strategies include exciting the communities to be more and more proactive in order to fulfil their dreams and lead resilient life.

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